
The Journal of Afghan Legal Studies (JALS) is the only peer-reviewed Afghan law journal with an ISSN registration. Originally named Yearbook of Afghan Legal Studies (YALS, only one volume in 2015), the JALS publishes articles in three languages – Dari, Pashto, and English – since 2016.
The founding editors of JALS were Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Tilmann J. Röder, Lutforahman Saeed. Besides them, the current Board of Editors also includes Suhailah Akbari, Sari Kouvo, Wali M. Naseh, Idris Nassery, and Shamshad Pasarlay.
Until the change of government in 2021, the journal was published in Kabul, and copies widely distributed to law libraries in Afghanistan. Since then, only small numbers of printed copies of could be brought out of the country. ILSAF will donate them to international libraries to ensure that the research results of many Afghan and non-Afghan scholars will be preserved.
A link to the new JALS will be published on this website soon. All articles that appeared in the YALS and the JALS until 2021 can be found on this website.

JALS 2022 - now

The new online version of JALS will be edited by Idris Nassery (Paderborn), Mohammad Hashim Kamali (Kuala Lumpur), Suhailah Akbari (Passau), Tilmann J. Röder (Berlin), Shamshad Pasarlay (Chicago), and Sari Kouvo (Gothenburg). It will be launched in 2025 with articles based on presentations at the Afghan Legal Studies Conferences, and other contributions.

Interested authors are cordially invited to contact the editors at jals@ilsaf.org.

JALS 2016 - 2021

Catalogue information

The ISSN no. is 2522-3070.
The journal name has three official titles:

د افغانستان د حقوقي مطالعاتو مجلې (Pashto)

مجلۀ مطالعات حقوقی افغانستان (Dari)

Journal of Afghan Legal Studies (انگلیسی)

The official transliteration of the Dari title is Majallah-ʾi muṭāliʿāt-i ḥuqūqī Afghānistān.
The acronym of the English title is JALS (no acronym in Dari/Pashto).  Articles are in Dari, Pashto or English with abstracts in the respective other languages.
Editors 2016-2021 (printed version):
Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Tilmann J. Röder and Lutforahman Saeed

Contents of JALS 2 (2017)

English section: Nafay Choudhury, “Lessons on Global Legal Transfers from Afghan
Taxi Drivers”, (pp. 29-52)
Noah Coburn, “The Uses of Legal Ambiguity: How Contractors
Control Workers in Afghanistan” (pp. 53-72)
Erica Gaston, “Legal Pluralism for Militias? Accountability Regimes
for Sub-state Forces in Afghanistan” (pp. 73-100)
Malthe Hilal-Harvald, “Enforcing Article 3 of the Afghan Constitution:
Lessons from the Pakistani Experience” (pp. 101-130)
Mohammad Hashim Kamali, “Countering Global Terrorism and its
Manifestations in Afghanistan: Advancing New Shariah Perspectives”
(pp. 131-168)
Mohammad Bashir Mobashir, “Constitutional Choices, Ethnic
Accommodations, and the Consolidation of Coalitions: A Critique of
the Merits of Article 61 for Electing the President of Afghanistan”
(pp. 169-192)
Mohammad Rassekh, “Non-violation of Islamic Law under the
Afghan Constitution” (pp. 193-212)
Tilmann J. Röder, “Complementarity and Conflict: State, Islamic, and
Customary Justice in Afghanistan” (pp. 213-244)
Warda Yasin, “Corporate Manslaughter and Islamic Law in
Afghanistan and Pakistan” (pp. 245-264) Dari/Pashto section: Ahmad Haneef Haneef, “The Implementation of Substantive
International Human Rights Obligations in Afghanistan: Examples
from the ICCPR”, Dari (pp. 51-92)
Ahmad Reza Sadeqi, The Regional Criminal Law Framework for the
Combat of Organized Crime”, Pashto (pp. 93-111)
Javad Taghizadeh Doughikola and Kiumars Firuz Jahantighi, “The
Acting President in the Constitution of Afghanistan”, Dari (pp. 113-
Mohammad Ali Mirzaii, “The Apparent Theory in Afghan Civil Law”,
Dari (pp. 135-165)
Abdullah Shafaee, “Collective Property in Afghan Legal System”, Dari
(pp. 167-190)
Eid Mohammad Ahmadi, “The Need for Alternatives to
Imprisonment and Criminal Law Mechanisms in Afghanistan”, Dari
(pp. 191-206)
Gholam Hassan Gran, “Constitutional Framework of the Armed
Forces of Afghanistan”, Dari (pp. 207-223)
Lutforahman Saeed, “Membership of Women in Afghanistan’s
Supreme Court According to the Afghan Constitution and Hanafi
Jurisprudence”, Dari (pp. 225-231)
Mohammad Amin Ahmadi, “The Position of the Traditional Loya Jirga
in the Constitution of Afghanistan”, Dari (pp. 233-245)
Mohammad Qasim Hashimzai, “The Separation of Powers and the
Problem of Constitutional Interpretation”, Dari (pp. 247-286)
Mohammad Hashim Kamali, “Divorce and Women’s Rights: Should
Women have Equal Rights?”, Pashto (pp. 287-306)
Mohammad Yahya Balaghat, “Criminal Justice and Transparency as
Tools in Afghanistan’s Combat against Corruption”, Dari (pp. 307-
Mehri Rezaiee, “The Relationship between Immigration and Human
Trafficking with Emphasis on Afghanistan”, Dari (pp. 331-355)
Nezamuddin Abdullah, “Civil Responsibility of the State in the Afghan
Legal System”, Dari (pp. 356-

Contents of JALS 1 (2016)

Mohammad Hashim Kamali, “Constitutionalism in Islamic Countries:
A Contemporary Perspective of Islamic Law”, Dari (pp. 67-90)
Mohammad Ayub Yousufzai, “Legal Framework of Electoral
Management in Afghanistan after 1380 (2001)”, Dari (pp. 91-127)
Rainer Grote and Tilmann J. Röder, “Delays of Elections and the
Constitutional Legitimacy of the Wolesi Jirga”, English (pp. 128-140)
Ali Mohammad Mirzaii, “State Responsibility to Cover Damages after
Terrorism” (pp. 143-174), Dari (pp. 143-174)
John Braithwaite and Ali Wardak, “Crime and War in Afghanistan”,
Pashto (pp. 175-242)
Najib Amin, “Imprisonment and the Pertinent Laws in Afghanistan: A
Focus on the History of Policharkhi Prison”, Dari (pp. 243-282)
Julia Geneuss, “Criminal Responsibility for the 2009 Kunduz Airstrike:
The German Code of Crimes against International Law and
International (Humanitarian) Law”, English, pp. 283-294)
Ehsan Qaane, “Thirteen Years after Afghanistan’s Accession to the
International Criminal Court: What Stage at the Court has
Afghanistan Reached?”, Dari (pp. 295-304)
Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Matrimony and Women’s Rights in the
Afghan Civil Code of 1976: A Critical Appraisal, English (pp. 307-342)
Suhailah Akbari, “Chabahar vs. APTTA – Which Transit Trade
Agreement Offers Broader Legal Transit Trade Opportunities for
Afghanistan?”, Dari (pp. 345-367)
Mohammad Malek Sitez, “The Commitment of the Afghan State to
International Human Rights”, English (pp. 368-392)
Anver Emon, “Natural Law and Natural Rights in Islamic Law”, Dari
(pp. 395-441)
Mohammad Hashim Kamali, “Fundamental Rights of the Individual:
An Analysis of Haq in Islamic Law”, Dari (pp. 443-472)
Tom Ginsburg, “An Economic Analysis of Pashtunwali”, Dari (pp. 473-503)                           Ebrahim Afsah, “Afghan Opium, the Global Consensus and Regional
Collaboration”, English (pp. 507-554)
Hamid M. Khan, “Classical Approaches and Contemporary Challenges
Evaluating Islamic Conceptions of the Rule of Law”, English (pp. 556-

YALS 2015

Catalogue information

The ISSN of YALS was 2410-1796.
The official transliteration of the Dari title was Sâlnâmah Moṭâlʿât Ḥoqvqy Afġânestân.
All articles were in Dari with abstracts in English. Only one volume was published.
Editors were Tilmann J. Röder and Sayed H. Zia

Contents of YALS 1 (2015)

Ramin S. Moschtaghi, “Constitutionalism in an Islamic Republic – The
Principles of the Afghan Constitution and the Conflicts between
Them” (pp. 9-55)
Asifa Quraishi-Landes, “Legal Pluralism in an Islamic State:
Reflections on the Afghan Constitution” (pp. 57-86)
Mohammad Qasim Hashimzai, “The Separation of Powers and the
Problem of Constitutional Interpretation in Afghanistan” (pp. 87-114)
Mohammad Hashim Kamali, “The Relationship Between Executive
and Parliament and the Problem of Constitutional Interpretation and
Adjudication During the Karzai Years” (pp. 115-154)
Javad Taghizadeh, “The Presidential Election in the Afghan
Constitution” (pp. 155-191)
Michael E. Hartmann and Agnieszka Klonowiecka-Milart, “Criminal
Law Reform in Afghanistan: Legal Transplants without Consensus-
based Adaptation” (pp. 195-236)
Hussein Gholami, “Victim Rights in the New Afghan Criminal
Procedure Code (Art. 6)” (pp. 237-270)
Mohammad Hashim Kamali, “Divorce and Women’s Rights: Some
Muslim Interpretation on 2:226” (pp. 273-296)
Muhammad Yusuf Saleem, “Afghan Laws on Islamic Finance: Lessons
from Malaysia” (pp. 297-329)
Mohsen Abdollahi, Foroogh Heydari, “Afghan Children’s Right to
Education in Iran in Light of International Law” (pp. 333-363)
Mansour Jafarian, “The Legal Framework Governing the Helmand
River: An International Law Perspective” (pp. 365-408)
Humayoun Rahimi, “The Current Status of Afghanistan’s Accession to
the World Trade Organization” (pp. 409-427)
Muhammad Munir, “The Layha for the Mujahideen: An Analysis of
the Code of Conduct for the Taliban Fighters under Islamic Law” (pp.
Noah Coburn, “Hybrid Forms of Dispute Resolution and Access to
Justice in Afghanistan: Conceptual Challenges, Opportunities and
Concerns” (pp. 465-489)
Friederike Stahlmann, “The Power of Experience: Civil-war Effects on
Seeking Justice through Disputing” (pp. 491-533)
Tilmann J. Röder, “Civil-Military Cooperation in Building the Rule of
Law” (pp. 537-589)
Elisa Novic, “Report from the Afghan Legal Studies Conference” (pp.